
Auditing & Assessments

Often there is a disconnect between ‘work as imagined’ against ‘work as practised’.

Documents and procedures are great for defining what should be done, but they may not truly reflect what happens in the real world.

I offer the following services to enable you to understand the true state of your systems:

  • Design assessment tools to enable auditing of Human Factors topics against industry standards, e.g. HSE Human Factors Delivery Guide for COMAH Sites.
  • Delve into your systems and processes to investigate actual work practices to identify risks and vulnerabilities.
  • Generate reports detailing audit/assessment findings to highlight good practice and make recommendations to deliver improvements.

Human Factor Projects

Human Factors is a wide-ranging discipline.

Human Factors detail the different elements that can influence the performance of your business.

I cover the topics which all COMAH sites are expected to manage and can help you to deliver on these expectations:

  • Develop plans to deliver your Human Factors Strategy aligned to organisational priorities.
  • Design workable systems that help your business demonstrate safe behaviours and compliance with the regulator’s expectations.
  • Lead or support the implementation of Human Factors systems to resolve deficiencies and embed continuous improvement.

Human Factors Training

I can provide training which is accredited by the Chartered Institute of Ergonomics and Human Factors (CIEHF), giving you the confidence that it meets the standards you require.

I have standard training packages ready to be delivered, or I can design programmes to meet your specific needs.

With qualifications and experience in training and people management, I provide ongoing support to assist new learners with the issues they face when trying to apply their learning in the workplace:

  • Design and delivery of open courses and individually tailored training programmes to meet your needs.
  • Provision of coaching and mentoring at all levels to improve Human Factors knowledge and consistent, practical application of Human Factors tools and techniques.
  • Evaluation of training programme outcomes to ensure they result in safer human behaviours and abide by good practice standards.